The first week-end in September took us into North Yorkshire to Harrogate for the wedding of Rachel and Jason. Rachel was going to get ready at the White Hart Hotel which was also the venue for the reception, with a ceremony at a church in the pedestrian precinct in the town centre. Since we had not been to this venue before we travelled to Harrogate a couple of days before the wedding, to have a good look at the location and to attend the rehearsal. It was a good job that we did, as we soon discovered that parking was a problem - there wasn't any! Fortunately as we had been booked to cover both the photography and video on this wedding it meant that all three of us would be there, so we made the decision to park at the White Hart and just carry all the kit between the hotel, the church and the Valley Gardens, where we had decided to do most of the photographs. Rachel arrived in a carriage festooned with flowers and pulled by three beautiful brown horses which certainly made all the Harrogate shoppers stop and stare!